Had fun with an otherwise unexciting shot of an old barn, a weathered one made from wood with a door that's hanging by a thread and a tangle of overgrown weeds in front. The photo was OK in color, nothing special, but I turned it to black and white and then sepia to find something I liked more. This won't win any awards, but it's that peaceful easy feeling you find on quiet country roads.
The other shot's of a horse that had to wonder (and this is a direct quote), "What's this fool up to? I bet he works for the assessor." I tried to frame the photo with the three bales of hay in front, but what I like about it is that the horse's curiosity rivals mine, possibly exceeds it.
If you like a photo, have advice or would just like to leave a comment, feel free. If you'd like a copy of one of my before-work or after-work photos, let me know at dknopf@kc.rr.com. I can e-mail a high-resolution file or burn it to a CD and mail it to you for a reasonable price.
Thanks again for looking and reading.
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