Sunday, January 22, 2012

Phototoons, or how Demolition Derby at the Ray County Fair pounded its way into the national debate over the 99 percent vs. the 1 percent

I can't draw a lick, but have always wished I could've been a cartoonist. In fact, I have an envelope of cartoon punch lines stored away somewhere waiting for the illustration fairy to show up at my door. I'm hoping I'm onto something here ... using my photos as a way to express some of my more picturesque ideas. 

The Sub-Boonies, the working title for these phototoons, is a reference to places I go to get away from civilization -- the sub-boonies are to the boonies as the suburbs are to cities. No disrespect is intended, but if Richmond, Mo., population 5,900 or so, could be considered the boonies, a five- or 10-minute drive in any direction takes me to the sub-boonies and natural bliss. 

Let me know if you like the idea of phototoons. I may do some more. There's that one about a dusty cowboy who comes into town looking for that hombre Jack Shit. An old-timer tells him he knows a Johny Shit who lives up the ways a piece and then there's old Eustis Shit used to live out by the fork in the road ... "But I don't know nothin' about no Jack Shit," he says.

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